chronological | material | window displays
Ryota Mori 1952-1993 1952 Born in Tatebayashi, Gunma, Japan 1976 Honors : the Gunma art exhibition for youth. Purchased : Gunmma Prefectural Modern Museum. 1977 Graduated from Kanazawa College of Art. 1980 Exhibition : Kankodo and the many Galleries 1981 First one-man exhibition 1986 Installation : ark hills, roppongi, tokyo 1988 Worked for the show display : Mikimoto Ginza 1989 Henry Moore Award Exhibition. Purchased : Hakone Open-Air Museum. Mention : Kajima-Kensetsu Sclupture Award. Mention : Amazaki-Chikamatsu Momument Award. 1990 Lecturer : Bunka Fashion College Begined the scenic arts. Show display : Mikimoto, POLA, and others. 1993 Deceased in a traffic accident. 1995 Purchased : Tomioka City Museum 1996 Exhibiton : Gallery Tsubaki 2008 Exhibiton : Kawagoe City Museum 2012 Exhibiton : Gunma Museum of Art, Tatebayashi
GUNMA MUSEUM OF ART, TATEBAYASHI Ryota Mori - 20th anniversary Memorial Exhibition 2012/12/22 Sat. - 2013/4/7 Sun. the summary now writing... opening : Tue-Sun / 9:00-17:00, 12/24, 1/14, 2/11 closed : 12/25,29-31, 1/1-3,15, 2/12 admission : Adult 500yen, Student 250yen, Middle school age and under : free see the detail at GUNMA MUSEUM OF ART, TATEBAYASHI.
past exhibitionKawagoe City Museum Ryota Mori -Kaze no Tobira, Futatabi- 2008/7/1 - 9/28
guide for children